2020.04.27 05:52ICHILL HAVE WORKED AGAINSalon đã trở lại làm việc, sau 1 tháng đóng cửa ichill trở lại với hết công suất để phục vụ mọi người. Hãy yên tâm đến làm đẹp, môi trường s...
2020.04.16 05:56Information on delivery hair services [ Information on delivery hair services ]Due to a notice from the Vietnamese government, the business suspension order was extended until 22...
2020.04.15 13:07ANNOUNCEMENT 🚫( Japanese and Vietnamese below )『 Announcement 』It was scheduled to restart our hairsalon from 16th tomorrow, but due to the extension noti...
2020.04.07 11:16We are closed until April 15ホーチミン人民委員会からの通達で今月31日まで営業停止となっていましたが、その期間が15日延長されました。したがってサロンは4月16日より営業を再開する予定ですが、再度変更になる場合も考えられるので、引き続きこちらのfacebookページをご確認ください。そしてもし何か質問等あれ...